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TCS Consulting GmbH

Factory of MeridionalFactory of Meridional


Pilot plant of DMCPilot plant of DMC

Investments in companies as business angel


The TCS or its owners and the Foundation Artur participate in SMEs in various sectors.


Current investments are:

  • 85 % TCS Producao da Bioenergia Ltda, Blumenau, Santa Catharina Brazil (300.000 R$ equity) as inactive partner  and member of the board of directors

                    - Planning of biodiesel plants, biogas plants, water supply systems, wastewater

  • 15 % Meridional TCS SA, Londrina, Parana, Brazil , ( 1.700.000 R$ equity ) by TCS Ltda and member of the advisory board

                    - glycerol production and trade, 50 million USD $ sales


In Planning:

  • M-U-T-Engineering GmbH